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A taxonomy is defined as the science of naming and classifying organisms. This classification can and has been done on cultures in ordet to understand the reason for people in a particular culture being as they are. Knowing about how cultures are classified might prove useful in you intercultural encounters. Hofestede's taxonomy has five different dimensions: Power distance This refers to the degree to which status differences are regarded as necessary. Power distance is extremely low and people feel comfortable interacting with one another regardless of their wealth, job, or social status. Australians are quite reluctant to defer to figures of authority and neglect the establishment of a new class. Uncertainty avoidance This refers to the attitude of people towards change and unexpected situations. Australian culture prevails as highly tolerant of change and relatively indifferent to it. So it is likely that Australians will accept you eventhough you do not behave in the way they consider to be normal. Individualism vs Collectivism Australian culture values and nourishes individual efforts much more than collective interests. Individual autonomy prevails highly regarded in Australia, as it tends to have stronger allegiance to the self than to the group. Do not expect Australians to be happy to work in a group. Masculinity versus femininity The masculinity versus femininity index is in the middle to high scale. This means that although Australians are not prone to bow and praise those with money and power they sure believe on achievement and ambition to judge people.So, you might want to put into evidence past achievements and thing you do in order to gain respect. Long-term vs short-term orientation to Time Time orientation dimension refers to a person’s point of reference about life and work. Australia has a negative score on the long term versus short-term scale, which means that the country prefers a short term planning. You should take this into account when trying to sell an idea, as they are not interested in the future, they rather see results in the present. Hall's cultural patterns categorizes cultures as low- or high- context. Australia is considered to be a low - context culture. The population is less homogeneous and more diversified. Non – verbal communication is not that important. Australians tend to need a lot of background of information on someone in order to communicate. The culture of this country is relatively easy to enter if you are an outsider because the environment contains much of the information you need to participate, and because can you form relationships fairly soon, and because the important thing is accomplishing a task rather than feeling your way into a relationship. Overt and explicit Australians are expected to communicate in ways that are consistent with their feelings; an apology needs to be clearly articulated. Reactions are frequently very explicit and readily observable, as an important purpose of communicating is to convey exact meaning; there is less chance of misunderstanding particularly when visitors are present. Australians tend to emphasize logic and rationality, based on the belief that there is always an objective truth that can be reached through linear processes of discovery. They tend to shift from information already stated to information about to be given, not jumping back and forth, giving as much detail as possible. This is also reflected in the way they express themselves when writing, they follow linear patterns and get straight to the point of concern. Some advice if you come from a high- context culture, going to Australia are:
Importance of in-groups and out-groups The bonds between people are very fragile and there is not much involvement and commitment to one another; there is more responsibility to oneself than to others. Australian tend to be individualistic, emphasis is put on the own goals and accomplishments rather than the group’s. So team work is not very likely to happen or might be difficult.
In the Australian culture, time is highly organized. More effort is required to understand messages of others since the help of non - verbal language is inexistent; they have to pay more attention to time in order to carry out all activities. Australians prefer to be on time and quickly get down to business in a meeting. So get used to the fact that being late is not admisible, take your time when having to get somewhere at a certain time.
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